Jamie Prince Guneratnam | Student ID: 2067526

Task 1: Getting Started & Embedding Charts

These first three charts were pulled from the Rapid Charts website. The first chart tracks Covid-19 cases by UK region. The second chart looks at productivity in the UK and the third is on gun deaths in the US.

Task 2: Hosting Data

This fourth chart runs from the UK Government's live API on Coronavirus which shows the new first doses of the Covid-19 vaccine administered in UK cities. The fifth chart, on the other hand, is on completed Covid-19 vaccinations, using data hosted on GitHub.

Task 3: JSON Charts - Writing JSON by Hand

This sixth chart on populations uses data manually keyed into the JSON format. Chart seven shows data on unemployment rates in the UK taken from the ONS with the added data of unemployment rates in Malaysia taken from the Department of Statistics Malaysia.

Task 4: API Driven Charts

Chart eight looks at the weekly Bitcoin prices since the start of 2021. Acess to the unique API key was obtained by signing up go the website CoinAPI. Chart nine shows Tesla's diluted earnings per share. The API used is obtained from Finnhub and limits data shown to the last four quarters for free members.

Task 5: Loops and API Fetch

These three charts were constructed using a loop in Python to batch download the data from FRED. The loop used can be found here.

Task 6: Scrapers

Chart thirteen was scraped from a Wikipedia page containing a table of the world's countries measuring the income of the richest one percent each. Whereas chart fourteen uses data scraped from the Bloomberg Billionaire Index 2021, accessed on November 21, 2021, to show the industries where the wealth of the 500 richest in the world lie. The scraper built in Colab can be found here.

Task 7: Data Stories

Talking Economics: An Unfair Crisis. When speaking on inequality, Sarah Smith from the University of Bristol claimed that the pandemic had exacerbated inequalities- focusing particularly on the inequality of gender pay. From chart fifteen, we do observe the first increase in the gender pay gap percentage since 2017. However, the increase to 15.4% from 14.9% in 2020 is still lower than the 17.4% in 2019. Smith also stated that this gap becomes even worse when women have children. This aligns with data from the ONS showing that the gender pay gap for full-time employees aged 40 years and over is much higher than for employees aged below 40 years. This is shown in chart sixteen.

Task 8: Advanced Analytics

Chart seventeen looks at regressing the Gini Index on the percentage share of income of the top one per cent in 47 countries. As expected, we observe a positive correlation between the inequality measure and the share of income of the richest. We also observe that the income share accounts for 50% of the variation in the Gini Index. However, this simple model is not enough to determine causality

Task 9: Interactivity

Chart nineteen is an interactive chart that shows total government expenditure on education as a percentage of GDP in 24 countries. This data was taken from the World Bank website- which can be viewed by clicking on any point on the graph. The graph also shows individual country data by selecting a country from the picker below.